Marta Martín García

Colmenarejo, Spain

APsAptitude Points

Academic credentials (3)
+ Info
Past Attendee Feedback
Student - Product Owner

The course was amazing and provided now only the knowledge on the topics but assured their correct and effective application by developing an real-world use-case throughout its whole course. I really recommend the course to all product owners and product managers coming from non-agile methodologies as it also provides the essential practical knowledge of the Scrum methodology, processes, roles and day-to-day work in general.

Valerio Platania, Product Manager

04 MARCH 2020
Student - Scrum Master

Marta hizo un trabajo impecable explicándonos todo con detalle y gran conocimiento del tema. Además es un curso bastante práctico lo que ayuda a asimilar y comprender. ¡Un 10!

idoia doncel cervero, Responsable de cuentas

18 OCTOBER 2019

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