Cookies policy

Cookies are small files that web pages store in the browser of the user who visits them, and are necessary to provide countless advantages to web navigation to provide interactive services.

The following information on the different possible types of cookies helps you to better understand the functions that they enable:

  • Session cookies: these are temporary cookies that are kept in the cookies space of your computer until you leave the website you're using, so no one remains in the user's disk. The information obtained through these cookies serves to enable the operational management for each one of the users that simultaneously access the website.
  • Persistent cookies: these are cookies that remaing stored in the cookies space of your computer after you leave the website, and which it will check again the next time you access it in order to remember information to make navegaciĆ³n smoother (access the service directly, without having to log in again) or facilitate the provision of a commercial service (offer products or services related to previous visits).

Cookies exchanged when browsing a website can be:

  • Origin cookies: these cookies are generated by the webpage you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies: these are cookies which are received when browsing this webpage, but which have been generated by a third party which is hosted on it. For example, the cookie of a banner or advert which is placed on the website you visit. Or the cookie used by a visitor counter used by the website you're visiting.

Cookes can be used for:

  • Technical purposes: They are needed for the operation of the web page. They are also called strictly necessary. They make possible the control of traffic from the server to multiple users at the same time, the identification and the access as user of the system, etc.
  • Customization: They make it possible for each user to configure aspects such as the language in which they want to view the webpage, their display preferences, etc.
  • Analysis or performance: They allow to track the number of visits and navigation criteria of different areas of the web.
  • Advertising: They allow to implement efficiency parameters in the publicity offered in web pages.
  • Behavioral advertising: They allow to implement efficiency parameters in the publicity offered in web pages based on behavioral information about the users.

At we use strictly necessary cookies in order to:

Keep user sessions once they access the service, and enable navigation through the pages only available to Scrum Manager members.

Accepting these cookies is a required condition to use this website, so if you choose to remove these cookies we can't guarantee the proper functioning of the website during your visit.

Used Cookies

Strictly necessary

Cookie Provider Duration
Contains the identifier of the browsing session stored in the server
Provider: Duration: 1 day
Cookie: scruma
Contains the user ID in case the user wants to be reminded of the session.
Provider: Duration: Ad infinitum
Cookie: scruma
In intranet access users, it stores the center identifier in case the user wants the session to be reminded.
Provider: Duration: Ad infinitum
Cookie: scrumal
Contains the navigation language to be remembered in future sessions.
Provider: Duration: Ad infinitum


Cookie Proveedor
Cookie: __utma (persistence)
__utmb (session)
__utmc (30 minutes)
__utmz (6 months)
Enable Google Analytics service to collect anonymous statistics on the use of our website.
Provider: Scrum Manager for
Google Analytics

How to uninstall cookies

If you want to delete the cookies registered by Scrum Manager from your browser, here are the instructions for different browsers: