Maria Moron Perezhita

Barcelona, Spain

APsAptitude Points

Professional information
After 15 years in the audiovisual sector in London and Barcelona working as a Producer, my professional evolution has led me to be a Coach with Agile. An innovative internal communication role based on management 3.0. with the Agile values ​​and principles. As an organizational change agent, my mission is to facilitate communication between departments and people, seeking focus, motivating and enhancing their creativity to favor innovation, retain talent, promote organizational culture and consolidate teams. The role of Coach with Agile mixes facilitation, coaching, mentoring and team building using Agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban and Design Thinking to make the company Agile.
My goal is to facilitate change in your organization, seeking continuous improvement and organizational effectiveness. Supporting and accompanying your teams and people in their transformation process using the appropriate tools according to the needs of your company, teams, leaders and workers. 
Academic credentials (4)
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