Ricardo Araya

Santiago, Chile


Diacos Asesores


191 evaluations

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Agile Coach

The Scrum Manager Agile Coach professional certification accredits the level of knowledge and professional capacity of its holder.
  • Knowledge: the holder has accredited expert knowledge of organizational change and has completed the Scrum Manager I and II core training, passing the corresponding exams.
  • Professional capacity: the holder exercises professionally the certified activity with a high level of quality valued by its customers and collaborators, and audited annually by Scrum Manager.
Scrum Manager annually monitors the validity of the information, checking:
  • That you continue to perform the activity.
  • That it is performed with a high quality rating. Verifying that the average of quality ratings received in Scrum Manager on their professional performance during the last year is at least 8 out of 10.
  • That the professional knowledge is kept up to date.

Professional profile page