Anibal Leonel Colcha Llamuca

Köln, Germany

APsAptitude Points

Professional information
Project management-Technical- with 11 years of combined experience in international projects, team management, and consultancy.
Interested in further development in project-, and service management as well as business development.
Fluent in Spanish, English and level B1 German.
Master of Telecommunication.
Willing to travel extensively and work away from home.

Enthusiastic, sensitive, open-minded and dynamic individual capable of working across different cultures. Flexible, positive & non-bureaucratic attitude, self-starter and getting things done mentality. Able to act as interface between business and technology and able to translate concepts/vision into practical steps leading to the implementation of solutions

Specialties: Some years of experience in IT projects at Huawei , ALU and Genesys Contact Center
Academic credentials (2)
+ Info